HSM ShredStar X5 - 4.5 x 30mm Cross Cut Shredder

  • SKU: ShredStar X5-4.5x30-CC

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The HSM ShredStar X5 Cross cut document shredder is for personal and home office shredding of tax documents, bank statements, medical bills, etc. Special Particle cut means waste bin holds 5 times as much waste as regular strip cut. The ShredStar X5 has an... See More

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The HSM ShredStar X5 Cross cut document shredder is for personal and home office shredding of tax documents, bank statements, medical bills, etc. Special Particle cut means waste bin holds 5 times as much waste as regular strip cut.
Quiet Operation

Quiet Operation

A quiet motor and cutting unit lead to a low acoustic level for a quieter office workplace environment.

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