HSM SHREDSTAR X10 - 4 x 35mm Cross Cut Shredder

  • SKU: SHREDSTAR X10-4x35-CC

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Overview The HSM ShredStar X10 is a high capacity, low cost document shredder for the home office or workplace that is capable of shredding paper, credit cards and CDs/DVDs. The ShredStar X10 has a separate CD cutting unit and waste container for separating and... See More

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The HSM ShredStar X10 is a high capacity, low cost document shredder for the home office or workplace that is capable of shredding paper, credit cards and CDs/DVDs. The ShredStar X10 has a separate CD cutting unit and waste container for separating and sorting media shredded material.

Quiet Operation

A quiet motor and cutting unit lead to a low acoustic level for a quieter office workplace environment.

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